A PC(USA) church serving Jesus Christ & our neighbors in Portsmouth, OH since 1875
A PC(USA) church serving Jesus Christ & our neighbors in Portsmouth, OH since 1875
The way we handle money is a reflection of our relationship with Christ. We believe giving is crucial to a living and growing faith - giving our time, using our talents for God's kingdom, as well as being good stewards of our money.
Church members, friends, and our community are all invited to participate in the mission and ministry of Second Pres through financial gifts either as part of a regular pledge or a special gift.
Checks or cash can always be dropped off or mailed to Second Presbyterian Church (801 Waller St Portsmouth, OH 45662).
You can set up your giving through your bank. The can arrange for automatic withdrawals from your account that will be sent to the church either as a check or a direct deposit. Never worry about writing a check or having enough cash in your wallet on a Sunday morning!
You could also set up a recurring withdrawal for your Sunday offering through our online giving service, hosted by The Presbyterian Foundation.
We also have a PayPal account: PayPal.Me/secondpres where donations can be made.
Memorial Gifts
Looking to make a donation to the Memorial Fund in memory of a loved one or a Second Pres member? Put a check in the mail to the church with "Memorial Fund" on the memo line or select "Memorial Fund" from the options in our online giving.
Giving to God's Pantry
If supporting this 40 year ministry of Second Pres is important to you, gifts are always welcome and put to good use caring for those who are vulnerable in our community.
This Old (Beloved!) Church Capital Improvement Fund
In the Spring of 2022, Second Pres will be undergoing our own version of “This Old House” restorations – which we’re calling “This Old (Beloved!) Church.” Knowing we have some major fundraising in our future, we want to get a jump on things by offering an alternative giving opportunity for those who would rather make a donation to “This Old (Beloved) Church” than buy someone another scarf or pair of slippers!
As always with donations of this kind, every gift comes with a thank you letter for you (for tax purposes) as well as a letter of acknowledgement that can be sent to the person you designate, maybe even in time for Christmas!
You can also use VANCO online giving to make a one-time or recurring gift to these funds:
We now also have a PAYPAL charity profile if that's a more convenient way for you to support our mission and ministry! One-time donations are welcome, but weekly, monthly, or yearly donations can also be arranged.
Our on-line giving process through VANCO is secure and includes easy to follow instructions. You will receive an automatic acknowledgment once your gift has been processed.
You can also make a donation through our PayPal account.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to call: